Rabu, 09 April 2014

Please don't choose JOKOWI

     It looks like my post this time is really weird ,making people angry and not nationalism, but the truth is i was just thinking the rationality of a Leader and his "Promises". I know Jokowi is not that bad (Well he surely good), but still thinking from what he done to Jakarta is not even enough to make him as a Leader of Indonesia. Why ?, His experiences in Jakarta, to make Jakarta to be a better city is not yet even finished as he Promised. If he will be "The One" it will make him under pressure of his "Promises", because if he become the "Leader Of This Country" he is not only thinking about Jakarta, but Whole Indonesia and that is not easy to be Organized. Look at his promises in 2012 September 24 :

  1. Transjakarta unit will be Increased by 1000, well its already half, maybe.
  2. The most Important part, Will Lead Jakarta for Five Years (as of press conference in Her Highness Megawati Soekarnoputri House, 20 September 2012).
  3. And other things from this http://www.republika.co.id/berita/pemilu/berita-pemilu/14/03/15/n2h8sz-ingat-inilah-19-janji-jokowi-saat-pilgub-dki-2012.
     Well, as of one of his Promises that Will Lead Jakarta for Five Years, he already broke one of his promise, and i think that is the easiest part of his Promises. And now its not all His fault that he want to be the president of course, maybe over 70% of Indonesia population of course choose him, the influences from his "Party" and other things. but will he fulfill his Jakarta duty while he must fulfill his bigger Duty as a President of This "Land" ?. Well as of now i was thinking maybe, "Just Maybe",  Jokowi is just a "Doll" to his higher ups to gather popularity of His "Party".  So who we are gonna choose ? well about that why we not control ourselves first then control another.

     It's just if he's to be "The One"(and i think he is "Already Choosen", looking from the enthusiasm of our peoples choosing His Highness), doesn't make him "Suffer" because he will Lead our beloved country, imagine if he just do the same thing as the "Predecessors", i think people who Choose him to will oppose him, because from the beginning they only know his Good Side, But if he is already capable of maintaining Jakarta, Why not choose him ?, so why i am not agree it's just one, his "Experiences".

     https://www.facebook.com/indonesia17081945/posts/619993244704989, look at this post, just a "small thing" they accuse Jokowi... the truth is you people is not do the "small thing" too. KEEP YOUR ENVIRONMENT MAINTAINED. is that clear ? and try this one too, http://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2014/03/29/2140210/Monas.Gulita.karena.Earth.Hour.Jokowi.Disalahkan., and this https://id.berita.yahoo.com/jokowi-ada-tikus-mati-saja-jokowi-yang-disalahkan-055721280.html. just this little simple thing, already accuse him. How about he become the president ? i think after 1 year, there will be alot of "things" like this.

    Well i think this is my opinion, please read it carefully because i do this just for a conclusion of him, i'm not opposing him or others thing. i bring up the FACT. Peace. ( ini hanya tulisan saja , tolong jangan dianggap serius dan menyalahkan saya, karena saya hanya membawa FAKTA yang ada di media massa.) Salam Sejahtera dan DAMAI.

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